Monday, November 29, 2010

I Promised Happy, I Deliver Happy: What I'm Thankful For (On a Large Platter, of Course)

I promised a happier next post. Here you have it.

What I'm Thankful For:
Mom's stuffing. Dad's Christmas tree lighting ability. Little cousins. Lots and lots of little cousins. Black Friday sweater deals. Blankets. Yaya. Twenty-pound turkey. Leftovers of twenty-pound turkey. Even more leftovers of twenty-pound turkey. Stuffing leftovers. I reiterate, stuffing leftovers (yes, Mom's stuffing is THAT good). Keyboards that make clicking noises when being typed on. Blue-ink pens. Tea & honey. LUSH's Christmas Products. Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice. The guy from AP Micro who asked me to edit his paper. The teacher who assigned him that paper (go Friebs!). Intentional sentence fragments. Tap shoes. Tap footage. The mentor who introduced me to YouTube tap footage. That same person, who made me realize that I really don't want to put tap dancing aside when I go to college. Online Degrassi episodes. Fingerless gloves. Carolers. The feeling that, while your fingers are numb, everything else isn't.

Happy Holidays, blogfolk.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Empty Plate?

Sorry about not providing you with fresh appetizers like I promised.

Writers' block. Chefs on strike. Kitchen's clean.

Kitchen's not supposed to be clean.
It's supposed to be a delicious mess.

I do more writing than I want to
and not as much as I need to
writing for the sake of writing
because damnit,
college essays demand exigence
rather than tickling for it.
itching for it.

It's like how most of us stop reading for pleasure after Freshman Honors English because literature is force-fed rather than savored.

And damnit,
I want to be tickled and itched again.
I want to savor again.

And this is why I like hors d'œuvres so much.
They're little bites of insight, ingenuity, flavor
not platefuls
not gallons

And bites never make you sick of tasting.

I promise, the subsequent post will be happier. I love the holidays, and everything but the academic is working out rather swimmingly right now.