Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Le Intro

Nice to meet you, internet spectator.
The name's Angelica,
the nickname's Gel,
and the pseudonym's Your Alter Ego.

I give a good handshake,
and I lament for both our sakes
that the World Wide Web
is not so multi-sensory.

I was inspired by a certain Mel to
create a blog.
And whaddya know.

So, here we are.
I'm new to this.
I'm awkward at this.
I like food.

Let's start there.
Yeah, that's a great place to start.

Which brings us to...
(drum roll please)
this blog's title -
Hors d'œuvres: Your Daily Appetizer

By definition,
Hors d'œuvres are
bite-sized morsels of flavor
that precede a dinner's main course
(and oftentimes taste even better).
They're served at cocktail parties, too.

Life's kind of a party, too.
Let's call teenagedom
(la juventud, if you will)
cocktail hour.

Crowd-noise-and-lounge-music-social hour.
Sweaty-palms-and-Arnold-Palmer hour.
Your-eyeliner-looks-freshest-now hour.

Take a bite and take a picture.

This is the blog's goal.

To document the small talk
(how about them Hawks)
and bestow upon you tiny remnants of
on wholesale toothpicks.

Consider the world a limitless platter;
I'll try to point out what's good.

Feel free to tip the waitress.

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