Friday, May 28, 2010

Small Talk: Creative Writing Marathon 5/28/2010

We pulled a Thoreau and wrote amidst the greenery of our school grounds - the event was dubbed "The Writing Marathon." Creative writing class, I will miss you dearly. Below is the result.

Pine cones make a Fibonacci sequence.
God would get along with Mr. Doll just fine.
1=1, 1+1=2, 2+1=3, 3+2=5, 5+3=8, 8+5=13...
Remember, however, that you only need one seed to yield a tree.

The juxtaposition of grass and turf fields is funny,
and I wonder what team Mother Nature thinks we're on.
I'll argue that the turf boasts more blood and sweat
and is therefore more alive.

There is a spot behind our school that says "Little House on The Prairie" louder than it says "Hinsdale."
Think plant stalks taller than you are. Think ground that isn't perfectly level.
Think, thank God for this oasis within a Starbucks wasteland.
Don't pick at the leaves,
and leave your gift card at home.

1 comment:

  1. haha all i got out of that writing marathon was a few haikus about cookies. lame...
    but i LOVE love lovveee these. my favorite is the first one.
